are always crying
and here you are
what do you see
not you but
what is there to see
now dogs bark
all at the same time
in a ruffle
and the cow whines back
just your company is a shelter to an animal.
the peacefulness of a musical serenade through the middle of the storm.
all hearts beats are the same beat
and happen at the same time
there is heart muscle, a substance, made of cellular molecules, that exists here on earth,
and all mammals that have a heart are rythemed by this reality of their life, as they would not exist if not born from an oxygen breathing, blood pumping, gravity dancing, organism.
Neurons are cells of the brain. Understanding of the brain is not restricted by being human, that is to say, animals who have brains are similar to humans and humans did not exist before the evolution of these animals, who evolved from other plants and tranformagisms of earth, humans are a later form of animal whose environmental adaption is giving up the outward physical defense in exchange for the power of a creative mind structure, and the specialized dexterital foresight. Understand the possible future, manipulate the present until it is only seen as if it is the past,
the next step was forgotten
tucked oh so neatly back into its subconscious
dissolving, to be what it is, an ebb to affect, as any motion would. One might say a wave is the result of the only force known to man, sun.