Saturday, August 20, 2011

War would be good if it was in isolation. All the angry ignorant violently people kill each other off, then who is left.
Stupid people need to shut up and listen. Why hate those who only speak of love and intelligence? They are not hurting you, your mind is. The feeling of hate is your own to blame on anything but it's source.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm going to make a movie just by thinking of it, others will do it for me and not as well as I could. I won't make any money but that's not the reason to make a movie.

30 years in the future, all the people living on the coast live in dome houses, there are multiple hurricanes every year, an important thing needs to be recovered but is delayed, they go on a rescue mission into the eye of the hurricane.

Another comedy drama about the characters of normal family life, and as usual everyone has their dumbness qualities and makes the worst and funny mistakes, one character always sees things from an outside point of view and dissolves every problem with only a few well placed words that shed the light, common sense and intelligence is the moral not just stupid mistakes. All of the complicated problems become meaningless when the clarity of the real moment is shown.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

we make it so easy to do so we can make it so hard to do
in spite of ourselves
how rich we are could be too rich
that the earth is destroyed by it

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

everything is trying to make you real

Monday, August 1, 2011

there is power in concentration of numbers
every house could have a satellite dish out the window that reflects the sunlight into a pipe of water to generate electricity from steam pressure, a telescope could be made of billions of miniature wave collectors in a cloud in space to resolve the reflected light from the past able to photograph the past on earth, millions of small rotors could lift you not just one large helicopter

every law of physics is relative to, there are many innovations yet to be