Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

When you understand you know, if you don't know you use a narrow perception to excuse and judge. But who are you excusing and judging, what you see or yourself.
There is enough money and intelligence in the world to stop all the suffering but the rich are too greedy and blind.

Monday, June 6, 2011

i understand only myself but not anyone else or
i understand everyone as no one tries to understand me
as themselves saying this is what you are
and nothing else

Saturday, June 4, 2011

a poem is the way life is a translation flawed like watching a foreign film
is a coincidence an in si dance of cooperation or co opting to
creates an incidence
learn to be a hypnotisist as the audience is by your act and you will be as a politician is
technology is magic because the same ingenious thought it takes to make
i want to cry and sing like a bird on its wing of the air that is the world jump in a river and let it take you

Say something no one else can. I want to cry and,

I wish I could.
the ocean everyone wants to be as they were again

Friday, June 3, 2011

to become real forget apart of yourself and then discover it again
It should all be seen from the basic needs of humanity, money is logical but greed is not.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

politicians capitalogists the stockbrokers are the gladiators the efficiency of our mechanism has been compromised by the avoidance of the potential of each individual, instead the way to control is to conform not learn and use for the purpose of evolution.
Rich people, millionaires, whine about how they deserve their money more than people on welfare. Neither are deserved, because the whole system of consumption is wrong. Money is like a tomato plant that you grow and eat. Why can someone be owed 10 thousand dollars in a day, what exchange of resources for a person is worth that? The money is work is food is life which belongs to the people who create it, but we are all slaves to the billionaires to make them rich according to the system of money that is manipulating us all rich or poor. If you have money you need to spend it on the people to create more life, not to sustain the mechanical consumption, but to free people from that, so every concrete jungle can be a garden, every dream can be evolved so that every human need that sprouts is grown.
become a pop musician so I can make another annoying and predictable karaoke song that sounds like every other annoying pop song and because I am not creative at all but I am great at listening to music over and over until it is engrained into my brain so that I can repeat it perfectly like a machine.
move to hollywood to become apart of the acting industry so I can get a plastic nose like my childhood hero Mr. Potatohead.
Why are old people ignorant, judgmental, and stubborn? Why are they not wise, intelligent, and understanding? You cannot teach and old dog new tricks, but a human is smarter than a dog. Who is the teacher you or dog?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011