Saturday, January 15, 2011

post deleted by csis

Friday, January 14, 2011

no one can really prove anything is anything
the sky is purple, this is what I believe in my religion
or else
try to define speed or temperature
it will always be relative degrees
real is that humans breath oxygen and build their cities for carbon producing cars
i would be happy to live in the city
if i had land
because land is power to hold the power away from real human power
and i would use it for living
as any city dweller should
to think they gave away land 100 years ago

floating tree
come to the movies for free popcorn and ale

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

my |Belt i s the Button

Saturday, January 8, 2011

ignore red


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a person who worships mohammed should only care about the angel named gabriel message of abraham and the earth and stop worshiping idols
same for christians
if you are a christian where is your wwjd carrot?
there were atleast a thousand jesus and buddah in history and were murdered

Thursday, January 6, 2011

whole wheat is more expensive to buy because it takes more processes and additives to create. it's easier to make bleached and fortified. this is intelligent economics in this country. i'm amazed at the efficiency
it is smarter to build factories and ship many good around the world to combine them into one product, rather than grow it in one place
i am a live
why can i not live
it takes the greatest push of force
beyond death

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i have a crack-pipe dream
cause i'm kim jong mentally ill
my boobs are five times the size of my head
only know the wrong side of math
better hide your chin before the pervs see it
culture's killing us off to spite survival

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

i work to pay tax dollars so king harper can live in a mansion and eat 100 dollar meals and take trips to cancun. I work to pay taxes so they can cut down the forests and poison the water and make money off oil and give money to car companies.

the economy is un-economical
to the point it is comical
capitalism or socialism
it should be about the quality of life for the people
not greed

Saturday, January 1, 2011

when you are about to do something ask how does it help me